While the concept of a garage sale is relatively well known, the same isn’t the case for estate sales. They can be a tad more complicated and involved than their more casual counterparts but are, in many cases, a quicker and more profitable means of getting rid of unwanted items. 

If you want to learn what an estate sale is and how it works, check out our beginner’s guide below!

What Are Estate Sales?

Estate sales are events where individuals sell a substantial portion of the contents of their home. Unlike typical garage and yard sales, an estate sale involves selling a wide array of household items, including furniture, collectibles, art, jewelry, and antiques. 

An estate sale company often organizes these sales and will ensure that the items for sale are appropriately priced and displayed. An alternative to an estate sale is an estate auction, where items are sold to the highest bidder instead of being individually priced for direct sale.

Why Do People Have Estate Sales?

People have estate sales for various reasons, primarily to liquidate possessions quickly. When someone dies, family members may find it emotionally and practically challenging to sort through and sell belongings. Most estate sale companies offer a solution by handling the entire process, from organizing and pricing to marketing and selling the items. 

Estate sales are also common when individuals move to smaller homes or assisted living facilities, as they’ll have to downsize their possessions significantly. Compared to garage sales or yard sales, most estate sales are much more comprehensive and can generate a higher amount of revenue from the sale items.

How Do Estate Sales Work for Sellers?

For sellers, estate sales work as a convenient and effective way to dispose of large quantities of household items. An estate sale organizer will first evaluate the items for sale and set prices based on market value and demand. The organizer then advertises the upcoming estate sales through various channels to attract buyers. 

On the day of the sale, the estate sale company manages everything, including handling transactions and providing security. Any unsold items are usually either donated or sold through other means to ensure that the seller is left with minimal belongings. This process is naturally more efficient than attempting to sell items individually through a garage or yard sale.

How Do Estate Sales Work for Buyers?

Buyers find estate sales as a unique opportunity to purchase a wide variety of items at potentially lower prices than retail. But, how do estate sales work for buyers? It begins with researching upcoming estate sales in their area through online listings and other means. On the sale day, buyers can browse through the home — much like they would a store — and select items they wish to purchase. 

If the person or group in charge of the sale knows what they’re doing, the estate sale items being sold are well-organized and priced, which makes the shopping experience much more straightforward. Plus, buyers benefit from the diversity and quality of items available, which can range from everyday household goods to rare collectibles. Estate sales work efficiently for buyers looking for bargains, as they often find high-quality items at reasonable prices.

For Professional Estate Sale Services in California, Call Estate 360® Today

At Estate 360®, our professional company offers estate sale services to clients in many California locations. If you want to learn more about estate sales and how we can help you run a successful one, reach out today to schedule a consultation. Or, if you’re a buyer, check out our current sales.

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